'Justice for Men (Reft & Blight) —Portrait of Huig Maaskant', 2012. Díptico, Instalación in situ. Reglas de precisión en acero inoxidable, guantes Icon Justice Mesh, talla XL, Pedestal y filtros Lee / Diptych, site-specific installation. Precision stainless-steel rulers, men’s XL-size Icon Justice Mesh racing-gloves, pedestals, Lee filter. Vista de Instalación / Installation view Bioscope at Wilfried Lentz, Rotterdam 2012

'The Law is not a Rock (Portrait of Stuart Hill)', 2011 'Schema-Sistema', 2011 'PowerNoise', 2011 Proyecciones de Powerpoint en continuo / PowerPoint projections, continuous loop. Proyectores, soporte de proyectores instalados en Muro, ordenadores portátiles y cables / Projector, projector wall-mount arms, computers, cables. Vista de Instalación / Installation view PowerPoint Karaoke at MARCO, Vigo 2011

'Hacer lo contrario es una forma de imitación', 2011. Instalación / Installation. Vasijas, 4 presentaciones en Powerpoint en continuo, 4 Proyectores Panasonic (PT-DW5100E & PT-D4000E), mesa de cristal, cables negro y caballetes de acero / Vases, 4 PowerPoint presentations in loop, 4 Panasonic projectors (PT-DW5100E & PT-D4000E), glass table, steel stands, black cables. Vista de Instalación / Installation view PowerPoint Karaoke at MARCO, Vigo 2011

'No Men Exiting the Factory', 2012 Single-channel video projected on a dented car-hood. 16mm film transferred to digital, 1:25 min. in loop. Original footage from Shaping Progress (circa 1960). The physical version of the film is used to suspend the monitor. 'TV-Cage', 2012. Media-player slideshow on CRT-monitor and sound. 1h 41 min. in loop. Index for the exhibition. Current note played at Halberstadt as part of John Cage’s 639 years long performance of As Slow as Possible, 1985.

'Cage for Men. Instant Shape No. 1 & No. 4. Driving the Change -Renault-and Moving Forward -Toyota', 2012 Carrocería de coche accidentado, pintado con pintura de fábrica / Hood from crashed-car coated with original factory colour. 'Laser Piece No. 3', 2012 Animación a alta velocidad Video Monocanal / High speed single channel laser animation, laser projector, laser controller, cables. Vista de Instalación / Installation view 'There Are not All Funny but They Are in a Row at 1646, The Hague, 20

W-Scr ‘Double-uScreen’ from Screen Alphabet', 2012 V-Scr ‘VeeScreen’ from Screen Alphabet, 2012 Pantalla de proyección de alto rendimiento sobre tubo de acero pintado / High-gain screen projection foil stretched on painted steel tube Laser Piece No. 3, 2012 (projection) Proyección de animación de Laser, proyector de laser monocanal y control de laser / Laser projected animation, single channel laser projector and laser controller

'Rotating Laser-Projected Animation', 2012 Featuring all original signatures found in the Rijksakademie Library Archive. Laser projector, laser controller, custom steel brackets, cables. Vista de Instalación / Installation view Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten Library Archive, Amsterdam 2012

Vista de Instalación/ Installation view Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten Library Archive, Amsterdam 2012

‘Yes, That’s my A’ to ‘Custom Wonka’s Golden Tickets’ (Glass Door Piece),-2014 (detail) Etiquetas de vinilo impresas con láser y troqueladas / Laser print and die cut stickers, die cut vinyl 120 x 60 cm Vista de Instalación / Installation view Mit eigener Hand, Kunstverein Hildesheim, 2014

Pattern-Free. Ripped from Zara (Indigo Version I)-2013 Tela vaquera lavada y desgastada con láser, replicando a vaqueros usados de Zara, soporte de acero pintado y bandas elásticas / Laser washed and ripped denim replicating worn jean patterns from Zara,painted steel rack, elastic bands 90 x 200 cm Vista de Instalación / Installation view Unstable Media, Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam 2013

'High Five Zara composition02b.ai (the Pushy Ones)', 2014 Tejido vaquero degastado y cortado con láser, montado sobre marco de aluminio, con botones y costuras / Laser washed and laser cut indigo denim stretched on aluminum frame,snap buttons, stitchings 200 x 137 cm Vista de Instalación / Installation view Mit eigener Hand, Kunstverein Hildesheim, 2014

'Untitled (1)', 2014 Caja de acrílico cortado a laser, pantalones vaqueros, pegatinas individualizadas troqueladas, linternas, tornillos, polvo / Laser-cut acrylic box and jeans, die cut custom stickers, torches, screws, dust 90 x 35 x 10 cm Exposición en la Fundacion Botin