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Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2014-National Gallery

Spanish Contemporary Art Network

National Portrait Gallery

Se abre el plazo para el Concurso de Retrato Fotográfico Taylor Wessing del 2014

Solicitudes deben ser entregadas, on-line o por correo antes de medianoche (23:59) del Lunes 7 de Julio de 2014. Impresos de solicitud entregados el día de la entrega de la pieza son serán válidos. El día de entrega de las piezas se hará publico una vez se termine el proceso de registro.


Entry is now open for the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2014

.Applications must be received in advance, either online or by post, by 23.59 on Monday 7 July 2014. Entry forms will not be accepted on the day when prints are delivered. The delivery/collection point address will be provided once the registration process is complete.

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