Pep Vidal
Pep Vidal (Rubi, 1980) trabaja con los cambios infinitesimales -cambios extremadamente pequeños- que están en todos los sitios y en todo momento.
Licenciado en matemáticas en la UAB (2008). Especial intéres en cálculo infinitesimal, topología y series infinitas. Doctorado de física en la UAB y sincrotrón ALBA (2009-2014). Investigación de tesis centrada en algoritmos para la mejora de la precisión de instrumentos utilizados en aceleradores de partículas. Llega a dos conclusiones importantes: hay sistemas extremadamente complejos y sensibles; y no le interesa la investigación donde la experiencia personal y vital no está vinculada al propio proceso. Curso avanzado de arte contemporáneo en A*Desk (2011-12), dirigido por David Armengol. Co-fundador de granja.cat, un proyecto para la difusión de la cultura matemática -especialmente en niños- con talleres, charlas y otras actividades.
Pep Vidal (1980, Rubi) works with infinitesimal changes -changes really small- that are constantly always everywhere. The chain of infinitesimal changes is infinite and chaotic. Infinitesimal changes produces bigger and visible changes. And then, systems -each space with any kind of interaction is a system- has to be modified, or destroyed, for having new systems. Systems are constantly modifying due to the infinitesimal changes.
Pep Vidal degree in Mathematics at Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona (UAB) (2008). Special interest in infinitesimal calculus, topology and infinite series. PhD in Physics in UAB and ALBA synchrotron (2009-2014). Thesis research about mathematical algorithms for improving accuracy of instruments used in particle accelerators. He has two important conclusions from here: there are some extremely sensitive and complex systems; and He is not interested in research that doesn’t include his own experience and vital life in the process. Advanced course in Contemporary Art in A*Desk (2011-12). Co-founder of granja.cat, a project focused on spreading mathematical culture -specially in child- with workshops, talks and other activities.
(Rubi, 1980)

Vive y Trabaja en Barcelona / Lives and works in Barcelona
(forthcoming), Biennal Santiago de Chile, Nov 2015
(forthcoming), VII Bienal de Jafre, Ago 2015
(forthcoming), curated by Juan Canela, CaixaForum, Barcelona, Oct 2015
(forthcoming), curated by Marina Vives, Sant Roc (Valls), Sept 2015 (solo)
(forthcoming) Rolando Anselmi Gallery, Berlin, June 2015 (solo)
(forthcoming), ADN Gallery, Barcelona, July 2015 (solo)
(forthcoming) curated by Oriol Fontdevila, Fundació Tàpies, Barcelona, Nov 2015
(forthcoming), Un pedazo de tierra, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, June 2015
Generaciones 2015, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, 2015
La buena estrella, curated by Carolina Castro, OTR, Madrid, 2015
ARCO, L21 Gallery, Madrid
Los límites del control, L 21 Gallery, Madrid, 2015 (solo)
Solo project, Art-O-Rama, Marsella, 2014 (solo)
Una cabaña para acabar la tesis, Can Felipa Arts Visuals, Barcelona, 2014
Islands, Galera Camara Oscura, Madrid, 2014
L’ocell que vola, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, 2014
Beyond, THE WINDOW, L 21 Gallery, Madrid, 2014
Un humilde calcetín, Fundació Antoni Tapies, Barcelona, 2014
Un pedazo de tierra, Frigoriferi Milanesi, Milan. 2013
Y así sucesivamente..., Salón, Madrid, 2013
{ }, La Capella, Barcelona, 2013
Movimiento 44, Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona, 2013
Simbiosis Hippie, Can Felipa, Barcelona, 2012
Proceso en infinito, LABoral Centro de Arte, Gijon, 2012
Grass grows, Espai Muxart, Martorell, 2012; Fabra i Coats, 2013
Un nudo salvaje, A*Desk, Barcelona, 2012
Flickr = reality ?, Culturajs, La Vanguardia, Barcelona, 2012
Propuestas VEGAP 2014 (Plastic Arts)
Generaciones 2015
Miquel Casablancas 2014 (Publication)
Espai Cub, La Capella. Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, 2013
PhD Grant of Catalan Government for research in Physics (2008-12)
Resident artist at Hangar, Barcelona, 2013-15.
Resident artist at FARE, Milano, Oct-Dec 2013.
Resident artist in Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, Oct-Dec 2014
Anny De Decker Collection, Antwerpen
Francisco Cantos Collection, Madrid
Urbano Collection, Madrid
Fundación Montemadrid, Madrid
Helena Tatay Collection, Barcelona
Arxiu del Centre d’Estudis i Documentació del MACBA, Barcelona,
Centro de Documentación y Biblioteca del MNCARS, Madrid
MoMA Library, New York