Julia Mariscal
Seleccionada/Selected by Lorena Muñoz-Alonso
(Barcelona, 1981)
'Sward'-2014 Cristal soplado, cobre, caucho / Blown Glass, copper, rubber 28x113cm
'To marvel out the mute'-2014 Instalación / Installation Medidas variables / Variable Dimensions
'In spite of what resistance'-2014 Cristal soplado, seda / Blown Glass, silk 125x85cm
'mont'-2014 Cristal, linóleum, metal 45×50,5x3cm
'To marvel out the mute'-2014 Instalación / Installation Medidas variables / Variable Dimensions
'Age of sand'-2014 Instalación / Installation Medidas variables / Variable Dimensions
'Age of sand'-2014 Instalación / Installation Medidas variables / Variable Dimensions
'Pendulum (Encounter)'-2013 Cristal soplado, liquid / Blown Glass, liquid 16x70x2cm
'Pendulum (magnetismo)'-2013 Cristal soplado / Blown Glass 140 x 150 x 20 cm
Izquierda / Left: 'Sin título'-2013 Collage, cristal, roca de sal y sal procesada / Collage, glass, rock salt, and processed salt 50 x 39 x 5 cm Derecha / Right: 'Sin título'-02013 Collage, papel, cristal soplado / Collage, paper, blown glass 50 x 39 x 5 cm
'The moon spins time'-2014 Collage sobre print digital de la artista / Collage over artist's digital print 25x17,5cm
'Neither running away with itself'-2014 Collage, cristal soplado / Collage, blown glass 29,7x21x0,5cm